Our city - Porto Alegre

Our city
Porto Alegre is not like the rest of Brazil. The city is the capital of the region, Rio Grande do Sul, and it’s one of the cities with more european influence, so that many traditions decends from Italy and Germany, and it also as a big Argentinian and Uruguayan influence.
in this big city you can find the Gaúcho culture, with all his love for the open spaces, his fierce of independence and the habit of chimarrão, the local erva-mate tea. You can wander between urban parks, trendy neighborhoods and rich cultural sites using city tour bus, boat or bike rental.
The time won’t be enough to discover all the things our city can offer, but here below you can find the most important things you have to visit or do to become a real Portoalegrense:
1. Orla do Guaiba
going at Orla do Guaiba to see the sunset on saturdays or sundays is something every Portoalegrense did at least once. Really beautiful place where to stay with friends or family drinking something.

2. Parque da Redenção
it's the biggest park of the city, perfect to enjoy the afteroon on Sundays, visiting the fair with every kind of brasilian food, music and crafted items. It's the best place to try Chimarrao and eat some bergamota.
3. Party in Cidade Baixa
if you really want to understand how young peole here in Brazil live you should go at least once in the neighbourhood where all the clubs and bars are.

4. Go to see a match of Grêmio or Internacional
even if you don't like football, going to the stadium is an opportunity to undersand Brazilian passion. It's just something you should do once in your life!
5. Enjoy Brazilian food
we have so many things to eat you won't be able to try everything, but let's start… Churrasco is the most typical tradition from the south of Brazil, you can find it everywhere and for sure you'll love it, if you're not vegetarian of course! You should also try Xis at Lancheria do Parque, have an Alaminuta in Street Andradas, try a Buffet livre, eat Brigadeiros and Bolo de cenoura.